********************** * 'Smart' Hug script * * ================== * ********************** Pls find enclosed a script which goes in your popup definitions, channel names list. Okay, so it isn't exactly *the* most useful script, but I basically wanted to see if I could do it, and now I'm happy...;-) Still you could use the principle for a lot of other things. .Hugs!!: { /set %hugnumber 1 /set %hugtotal "" /set %totalnicks $snick(0,#) /set %presentnicks 1 :start /set %hugnicks $snick(%hugnumber,#) if (1 = %totalnicks) goto singlenick if (%presentnicks = %totalnicks) /me gives %hugtotal and %hugnicks a whopping great big <•!HUG!•> else { /set %hugtotal %hugtotal %hugnicks $+ , /inc %hugnumber 1 /inc %presentnicks 1 goto start } goto end :singlenick /me gives %hugnicks a whopping great big <•!HUG!•> :end } All the script does is put commas between each nick you 'hug', and puts an 'and' before the last person - good English, basically... interesting how to actually get a script to do it. The $snick(0,#) is v v v important, if you use $nick(0,#) it will select all the nicks on the channel, instead of just the ones you ctrl-click select from the list. It also compensates for when you hug one person only. I'm using mIRC 4.52 for this. Have a good time...;-þ Obviously u can do whattevver you want, but if you include this script in a bot, I'd appreciate a mention of my nick, and The <•> Aut0Bot <•>, cheerz. Hi'z to oH_yEaH, Wichita-Guy, ^monty, MEK and sumWOMAN ************************************************** * 'Smart' script, part of the Aut0Bot, * * ©1996 written by Phillip Renfield aka _Qu^rtZ_ * **************************************************